#!/usr/bin/python3 # *-* coding:utf-8 *-* #*************************************************************************** # This file is part of the CRYPTO BONE # File : cryptobone-webdrop installed in /usr/bin # Version : 1.6 (ALL-IN-ONE) # NOW python3 # License : BSD # Date : 2 May 2023 # Contact : Please send enquiries and bug-reports to innovation@senderek.ie # # # Copyright (c) 2015-2023 # Ralf Senderek, Ireland. All rights reserved. (https://senderek.ie) # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by Ralf Senderek. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #**************************************************************************** import os import sys import base64 import time # debugging off DEBUG_DISPLAY = False DEBUG = False # DEBUG_DISPLAY = True # DEBUG = True DISPLAYKEYS = False OS = os.name # find out askpass path ASKPASS = "/usr/bin/systemd-ask-password" if os.path.isfile ("/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass"): ASKPASS="/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass" else: if os.path.isfile ("/usr/lib64/seahorse/seahorse-ssh-askpass"): ASKPASS="/usr/lib64/seahorse/seahorse-ssh-askpass" else: if os.path.isfile("/usr/lib/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass"): ASKPASS = "/usr/lib/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass" GUI = False try: from tkinter import * from tkinter import font as tkFont GUI = True except: print ("The GUI cannot be run. \nMaybe Tkinter is not installed?") sys.exit(4) Name="none" StatusCount=3 MaxCount=0 Masterkey = False MODE = "read" Allinone = True MessageID = "None" Recipient = "None" Attachment = "None" # GUI result of yes-no dialog REPLY = False # GUI constants BACKGROUND = "#ddd" GRAY = "#ccc" LABEL = "#eee" GREEN = "#cfc" DEBUGCOLOR = "#aaa" INFO = "#ddd" ERRORCOLOR = "#800" OKCOLOR = "#080" INFOCOLOR = "#008" KEYCOLOR = "#efe" YESCOLOR = "#afa" NOCOLOR = "#faa" ############################################################### def unix (command) : if OS == "posix": Pipe = os.popen(command, "r") Result = Pipe.read() Pipe.close() return Result ############################################################### def askyesno(Header, Msg): global REPLY # create a pop-up Toplevel window to receive a choice in REPLY def returnyes(): global REPLY REPLY = True dialog.destroy() return REPLY def returnno(): global REPLY REPLY = False dialog.destroy() return REPLY dialog = Toplevel() dialog.title (Header) L = Label(dialog, text=Msg, font=Bold ) ReplyFrame = Frame(dialog, bg=BACKGROUND, pady=5) Yes = Button(ReplyFrame, text= " Yes ", font=BFont, width=16, bg=YESCOLOR, command=returnyes) No = Button(ReplyFrame, text= " No ", font=BFont, width=16, bg=NOCOLOR, command=returnno) L.pack(padx=30, pady=10) Yes.pack(padx=8, side=LEFT, pady=10) No.pack(padx=8, side=LEFT, pady=10) ReplyFrame.pack() dialog.transient(Window) try: dialog.grab_set() except: pass dialog.wait_window() ############################################################### def clean (): Text.delete("0.0","end") ############################################################### def clear_Keyarea(): Keyarea.configure(text="") DisplayFrame.forget() ############################################################### def clear_error(): ErrorFrame.configure(bg=INFO) ErrorLabel.configure(bg=INFO) ErrorLabel.configure(text="") clear_Keyarea() Window.update_idletasks() ############################################################### def is_active(): Result = send_command("STATUS") if Result[:6] == "active": return True return False ############################################################### def format_error(e): E = "" i = 0 for C in e : if C == '\n': E = E + C i = 0 else: if i < 67 : E = E + C i += 1 else: E = E + C +'\n' i = 0 return E ############################################################### def check_webdrop(user, server): Result = send_command("CHECKWEBDROP OUT " + user + " " + server) if (user and ("TESTMAIL sent" in Result)) : message = "Test message is sent out successfully.\n" + "Please be patient, as receiving the message may take a minute!" print(message) InfoPanel.configure(fg="darkgreen") InfoPanel.configure( text=format_error(message) ) Window.update_idletasks() else: print("Test message cannot be sent out !") InfoPanel.configure(fg="red") InfoPanel.configure( text=format_error(Result) ) Window.update_idletasks() unix("sleep 3") Result = send_command("CHECKWEBDROP IN") if ("unencrypted test email from root" in Result) : print("Test message received successfully") InfoPanel.configure(fg="darkgreen") InfoPanel.configure( text=format_error("Test message received successfully") ) Window.update_idletasks() else: print("No webdrop received !") InfoPanel.configure(fg="red") InfoPanel.configure( text=format_error(Result) ) Window.update_idletasks() print () ############################################################### def check_status(): global Allinone, Name, StatusCount, MaxCount if StatusCount > MaxCount: StatusCount = 0 Result = send_command("STATUS") else: Result = "none" StatusCount += 1 if "waiting" in Result: StatusLabel.configure(text="waiting") StatusLabel.configure(bg="orange") ### if "offline" in Result: ### StatusLabel.configure(text="cut off") ### StatusLabel.configure(bg="yellow") ### showinfo("EXTERNAL Crypto Bone is inactive","Your EXTERNAL Crypto Bone is offline.\nPlease switch it on or check its network connection.") if "active" in Result: MaxCount=10 StatusLabel.configure(text="active") StatusLabel.configure(bg="lightgreen") if Name == "none": Result = send_command("SETUP WID") if not "failed" in Result: ID.configure(text=Result[:-1]) Name=Result[:-1] else: MaxCount = 0 ### StatusLabel.configure(text="inactive") ### StatusLabel.configure(bg="yellow") ### showinfo("EXTERNAL Crypto Bone is inactive","You need to reboot your computer while the EXTERNAL Crypto Bone is running to transfer the master key.") ### if "boneless" in Result: ### StatusLabel.configure(text="cut off") ### StatusLabel.configure(bg="yellow") ### showinfo("EXTERNAL Crypto Bone is inactive","The IP address of your EXTERNAL Crypto Bone is unknown.") ### if "ssh key not available" in Result: ### StatusLabel.configure(text="cut off") ### StatusLabel.configure(bg="yellow") ### showinfo("EXTERNAL Crypto Bone is inactive","You need to store your EXTERNAL keys in your computer first. Please use SETUP to copy these keys.") Linkstatus = send_command("GETALLINONE") if "ALLINONE" in Linkstatus : Allinone = True IPLabel.configure(text="ALL-IN-ONE") else: Allinone = False IPLabel.configure(text=Linkstatus) ############################################################### def contact(): import subprocess Content = InputField.get().split(" ") args = ["sudo", "-A", "/usr/lib/cryptobone/cbcontrol"] for Word in Content: args.append(Word) ENV = os.environ.copy() ENV['SUDO_ASKPASS'] = ASKPASS p = subprocess.Popen(args, bufsize=-1, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, env=ENV) if DEBUG_DISPLAY: print (InputField.get()) (out,err) = p.communicate() if err != None: print ("error:",str(err.decode('utf-8'))) if DEBUG_DISPLAY: Text.insert("end",str(out.decode('utf-8'))) Text.insert("end", "\n") ############################################################### def send_command(Command): import subprocess # do NOT sanitize input Content = Command.split(" ") args = ["sudo", "-A", "/usr/lib/cryptobone/cbcontrol"] for Word in Content: args.append(Word) ENV = os.environ.copy() ENV['SUDO_ASKPASS'] = ASKPASS p = subprocess.Popen(args, bufsize=-1, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, env=ENV) if DEBUG_DISPLAY: print (Command) (out,err) = p.communicate() if err != None: print ("error:",str(err.decode('utf-8'))) if DEBUG_DISPLAY: print (out.decode('utf-8')) Text.insert("end",str(out.decode('utf-8'))) Text.insert("end", "\n") return str(out.decode('utf-8')) ############################################################### def set_select_box(): List = [] if MODE == "write": List = send_command("KEY RECIPIENTLIST").split("\n") if MODE == "read": List = send_command("READ MESSAGELIST").split("\n") if MODE == "setup": List = send_command("READ EMAILLIST").split("\n") SBox.delete(0,20) Count = 0 SBox.delete(0,END) for Item in List: if Item : if Item != "ssh key not available" : SBox.insert(Count, str(Item)) Count += 1 ############################################################### def set_attach_box(): List = [] if MODE == "read": List = send_command("ATTACHMENT LIST").split("\n") AttachSBox.delete(0,20) Count = 0 AttachSBox.delete(0,END) for Item in List: if Item : if Item != "ssh key not available" : AttachSBox.insert(Count, str(Item)) Count += 1 ############################################################### def set_read(): global MODE, MessageID MODE = "read" Mode.configure(text="READ") L.configure(text="Messages") ControlFrame.pack_forget() Key1.pack_forget() Key2.pack_forget() Key3.pack_forget() Setup1.pack_forget() Setup2.pack_forget() Box2.pack_forget() ConsoleButton.pack_forget() FillRightLong.pack_forget() clean() TextFrame.pack() ControlFrame.pack() Button1.configure(text="Reply") Button2.configure(text="Check for new") Button3.configure(text="Destroy") Button2.pack(padx=8, side=LEFT) Button3.pack(padx=8, side=RIGHT) SelectBox.pack() AttachBox.pack() set_attach_box() set_select_box() MessageID = "None" L1.configure(text=MessageID) L2.configure(text="NEW") clear_error() check_status() ############################################################### def set_write(): global MODE, Recipient MODE = "write" Mode.configure(text="WRITE") L.configure(text="Recipients") ControlFrame.pack_forget() Key1.pack_forget() Key2.pack_forget() Key3.pack_forget() Setup1.pack_forget() Setup2.pack_forget() ConsoleButton.pack_forget() AttachBox.pack_forget() FillRightLong.pack_forget() clean() TextFrame.pack() ControlFrame.pack() Button1.configure(text="Send Message") Button2.configure(text="Clear") Button2.pack(padx=8, side=LEFT) Button3.pack_forget() set_select_box() SelectBox.pack() clear_attachment() Box2.pack() Recipient = "None" L1.configure(text=Recipient) L2.configure(text="NEW") clear_error() check_status() ############################################################### def set_reply(): global MODE MODE = "write" Mode.configure(text="WRITE") ControlFrame.pack_forget() Key1.pack_forget() Key2.pack_forget() Key3.pack_forget() Setup1.pack_forget() Setup2.pack_forget() ConsoleButton.pack_forget() AttachBox.pack_forget() FillRightLong.pack_forget() clean() TextFrame.pack() ControlFrame.pack() Button1.configure(text="Send Message") Button2.configure(text="Clear") Button3.pack_forget() L1.configure(text="Recipient") L2.configure(text="REPLY") clear_error() clear_attachment() Box2.pack() ############################################################### def set_key(): global MODE MODE = "key" Mode.configure(text="KEYS") SelectBox.pack_forget() Box2.pack_forget() TextFrame.pack_forget() ControlFrame.pack_forget() DebugFrame.pack_forget() Setup1.pack_forget() Setup2.pack_forget() ConsoleButton.pack_forget() ClearButton.pack_forget() AttachBox.pack_forget() Key1.pack() Key2.pack() Key3.pack() Keyarea.configure(bg=BACKGROUND) Keyarea.pack(pady=5) DisplayFrame.pack() clear_display() FillRightLong.pack(pady=429) L1.configure(text="") L2.configure(text="") check_status() clear_error() ############################################################### def set_setup(): global MODE, Allinone MODE = "setup" Mode.configure(text="SETUP") SelectBox.pack_forget() Box2.pack_forget() TextFrame.pack_forget() ControlFrame.pack_forget() Key1.pack_forget() Key2.pack_forget() Key3.pack_forget() AttachBox.pack_forget() FillRightLong.pack_forget() Setup1.pack() Setup2.pack() ControlFrame.pack() Linkstatus = send_command("GETALLINONE") if "ALLINONE" in Linkstatus : Button1.configure(text="Use EXTERNAL") Button2.pack_forget() Button3.pack_forget() ### else: ### Button1.configure(text="Use ALL-IN-ONE") ### Button2.configure(text="Set EXTERNAL Keys") ### Button3.configure(text="Dismiss IP Addr") ### Button1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=8) ### Button2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=8) ### Button3.pack(side=LEFT, padx=8) L1.configure(text="") L2.configure(text="") set_select_box() L.configure(text="INCOMING Safe Webdrops") SelectBox.pack() ConsoleButton.pack(side=BOTTOM, pady=133) clear_error() ############################################################### def action1(): global Recipient, MessageID, Allinone, Name, StatusCount ### global PoweroffButton, Fill2 if MODE == "read": # reply to the selected message MESSAGE = Text.get("0.0","end").split("\n") set_reply() Text.insert("end","\n\n\n") for Line in MESSAGE: if Line: Text.insert("end", "> "+Line+"\n") if len(MessageID) > 4 : while MessageID[len(MessageID)-1] != '.': MessageID = MessageID[:-1] Recipient = MessageID[:-1] L1.configure(text=Recipient) L2.configure(text="REPLY") elif MODE == "write": MESSAGE = Text.get("0.0","end") # do NOT sanitize message, all characters allowed ENCODEDMESSAGE = MESSAGE.encode('utf-8') MESSAGE = base64.b64encode(ENCODEDMESSAGE).decode('utf-8') if Recipient != "None" and Recipient != "Recipient": if Attachment == "None": Result = send_command("WEBDROP "+Recipient+" "+MESSAGE+ " none") print("GUI " +Result) if ("WEBDROP MESSAGE SAVED" in Result) : Text.insert("end", "\n\n"+Result) showinfo("Sending Message Out","Message is sent out successfully") else: showinfo("Sending Message Out","Message is not sent out!") else: # send an attachment with the message Result = send_command("WEBDROP "+Recipient+" " + MESSAGE + " " + Attachment) print (Result) print (Attachment) if ("WEBDROP MESSAGE+ATTACHMENT SAVED" in Result) : Text.insert("end", "\n\n"+Result) showinfo("Sending Message Out","Message and attachment are sent out successfully") else: showinfo("Sending Message Out","Message and attachment are not sent out!") else: showinfo("Missing Information","Please select a recipient from the menu before sending the message") elif MODE == "key": print ("action one key not implemented") elif MODE == "setup": ### FillRight.pack_forget() if not Allinone: Allinone = True Button1.configure(text="Use EXTERNAL") IPLabel.configure(text="ALL-IN-ONE") send_command("USEALLINONE") Fill2.pack(pady=11) ### PoweroffButton.pack_forget() else: Allinone = False Button1.configure(text="Use ALL-IN-ONE") showinfo("IMPORTANT","The external CryptoBone is not available with SafeWebdrop transport at the moment.\nPlease use the email-based CryptoBone if you wish to use an external device.") ### IPLabel.configure(text="EXTERNAL CRYPTO BONE") ### send_command("USECRYPTOBONE") ### Fill2.pack_forget() ### PoweroffButton.pack(pady=5) FillRight.pack() StatusCount = 100 Name = "none" ID.configure(text="") time.sleep(3) set_setup() check_status() ############################################################### def action2(): global Recipient, MessageID if MODE == "read": # check for new messages send_command("FETCH") set_attach_box() set_select_box() elif MODE == "write": # forget message MessageID = "none" Recipient = "Recipient" L1.configure(text=Recipient) L2.configure(text="NEW") clean() set_select_box() SelectBox.pack() elif MODE == "key": print ("action two key not implemented") elif MODE == "setup": print ("action two key not implemented") ### temporarily suspended ### ### List = unix("df 2> /dev/null | cut -f1 -d' '| grep /dev").split() ### BootDev = "" ### SD = False ### for Device in List: ### BootDir = unix("df -a 2> /dev/null | grep "+Device+" | grep media | grep BOOT | cut -f2 -d%") ### if BootDir: ### if BootDir[0] == " ": ### BootDir = BootDir[1:] ### if BootDir[-1:] == "\n": ### BootDir = BootDir[:-1] ### RES=unix("ls "+BootDir+"/master.key 2>/dev/null") ### if BootDir and RES: ### # this device holds a master key ### BootDev = unix("df -a 2> /dev/null | grep "+Device+" | grep media | grep BOOT | cut -f1 -d' '") ### if BootDev[-1:] == "\n": ### BootDev = BootDev[:-1] ### SD = True ### print ("Using ",BootDev," to copy external keys to this machine.") ### if SD: ### print ("Copying keys from "+BootDev+" to this computer's hard disk") ### askyesno("Moving Keys From SD/USB","Copying keys from "+BootDev+" to this computer's hard disk\n\nProceed?") ### if REPLY: ### askyesno("Moving Keys From SD/USB","You will now replace the keys that are used to access your EXTERNAL Crypto Bone.\n\nIf your EXTERNAL Crypto Bone is already working, you will DESTROY\n the keys used to access this working EXTERNAL Crypto Bone\n by replacing the old keys with new keys from the SD card or USB stick.\n\nOnce you have replaced the external keys, this action\n cannot be undone.\n\n You will continue with a new EXTERNAL Crypto Bone, if you proceed here.\n\nDo your really want to do that?\n\nThink twice.") ### if REPLY: ### RES = send_command("COPYSDCARD "+BootDev) ### if "success" in RES : ### showinfo("Moving Keys From SD/USB","Your Crypto Bone keys have been moved successfully to your computer.\nNow you can insert the SD card (or USB stick) into your Beagle Bone or Raspberry Pi (or Linux computer) again and reboot it.\nYou need to reboot this main computer as well in order to activate the new keys.") ### elif "failed" in RES : ### showinfo("Moving Keys From SD/USB","The secrets on your SDCARD or USB stick have not been transferred completely.\n\nPlease try again.") ### elif "nokeys" in RES : ### showinfo("Moving Keys From SD/USB","There are no keys on your SD card or USB stick!\nPlease check your SD card image and insert it for a first boot into your Beagle Bone or Raspberry Pi to create the master key.\nIf you use a USB stick, make sure that it contains a file system labelled BOOT.") ### ### else: ### showinfo("Moving Keys From SD/USB","There is no SD card with a valid Crypto Bone image or a valid USB stick.") ############################################################### def action3(): if MODE == "read": select() # destroy selected message askyesno("Destroy Message", "Do you really want to destroy this message: "+MessageID) if REPLY: send_command("READ DESTROY "+MessageID) clean() set_select_box() ### elif MODE == "setup": ### # destroy selected message ### askyesno("Delete IP Address", "Do you really want to delete the stored IP address\n for your EXTERNAL Crypto Bone? ") ### if REPLY: ### send_command("DELETE CONFIG") ### IPLabel.configure(text="unknown") ############################################################### def select(): global MessageID, Recipient index = 0 if len(SBox.curselection()) > 0: index = SBox.curselection()[0] Selection = SBox.get(index) L1.configure(text=Selection) if MODE == "read": MessageID = Selection MESSAGE = send_command("READ MESSAGE "+MessageID) if MESSAGE: clean() Plaintext = base64.b64decode(MESSAGE).decode('utf-8') Text.insert("end",Plaintext) elif MODE == "write": Recipient = Selection elif MODE == "setup": Setup1.pack_forget() Setup2.pack_forget() Button2.pack_forget() Button3.pack_forget() TextFrame.pack() Recipient = Selection MessageID = Selection MESSAGE = send_command("READ EMAIL "+MessageID) if MESSAGE: clean() Plaintext = base64.b64decode(MESSAGE) Text.insert("end",Plaintext) ############################################################### def attach() : global Attachment empty = False FileName = AttachFilename.get() if FileName == "": empty = True FileName = os.path.expanduser("~/" + FileName) if os.path.isfile( FileName ) : AttachFilename.configure(bg="lightgreen") showinfo( "", FileName + " will be attached to your message." ) Attachment = FileName else: Attachment = "None" AttachFilename.configure(bg="white") if (not empty) : showerror( "", FileName + " : does not exist" ) ############################################################### def clear_attachment(): global Attachment Attachment = "None" AttachFilename.delete(0,END) AttachFilename.configure(bg="white") ############################################################### def attachment_move(): index = 0 if len(AttachSBox.curselection()) > 0: index = AttachSBox.curselection()[0] Filename = AttachSBox.get(index) if MODE == "read": askyesno("","Do you want to move " + Filename + " into your home directory?") if REPLY : RES = send_command( "ATTACHMENT MOVE " + Filename ) if ("MOVED" in RES) : showinfo("", Filename + " has been moved into the directory .safewebdrop") set_attach_box() ############################################################### def is_message_key(NewKey): if NewKey == "none": return False if len(NewKey) > 19: return True return False ############################################################### def register(): if not is_active(): showerror("", "Your Crypto Bone is not active! ") return "failed" K = InitKey.get() ID = Email.get() if "@" in ID : showerror('Contact Registration', "This is an EMAIL ID, please use % instead of @") elif is_message_key(K) : # todo: check if email address is stored already RES = send_command("KEY USE "+ ID +" "+K) if "failed" in RES : showerror('Contact Registration', RES[8:]) if "deleted" in RES : showinfo('Deleted Contact', RES) if "success" in RES : showinfo('Contact Registration', ID + "\nis now registered and can be used.") else: showerror('Contact Registration', "The message key is too short.") ############################################################### ###def change_email(): ### if not is_active(): ### showerror("", "Your Crypto Bone is not active! ") ### return "failed" ### Name = OldName.get() ### Email = OldEmail.get() ### Email = Email.lower() ### New = NewEmail.get() ### New = New.lower() ### if not (Name == "Contact Email Address"): ### Email = Name ### if (Email != "" ) and (New != "") : ### RES = send_command("KEY CHANGEEMAIL "+Email+" "+New) ### print (RES) ### if "success" in RES : ### showinfo('Email Address Change', 'The new email address is now active.') ### else: ### if "failed" in RES : ### showinfo('Email Address Change', RES[8:]) ### else: ### if (len(Email) < 6): ### if (Name == "Contact Email Address"): ### showerror('Email Address Change', "The email address is invalid.") ### else: ### if (len(New) < 6): ### showerror('Email Address Change', "The new email address is invalid.") ############################################################### def clear_display(): DisplayLabel.configure(text="", bg=BACKGROUND) Keyarea.configure(text="", bg=BACKGROUND) ClearButton.pack_forget() ############################################################### def print_secrets(): if is_active(): clear_error() RES = send_command("KEY NEWSECRETS") Message = "" Keys = RES.split() if Keys: DISPLAYKEYS = True for Line in Keys: List = Line.split(":") if len(List) > 1: Message += "Initial key for " +List[0][4:-4] + " : " Message += List[1] + "\n" if DISPLAYKEYS: Keyarea.configure(bg="#eee", text=Message) DisplayLabel.configure(text="These are three keys that can be used by your contacts", width=60, height=2, font=Bold, bg=KEYCOLOR) Keyarea.configure(bg=KEYCOLOR) ClearButton.pack() DisplayFrame.pack() else: showerror("", "Your Crypto Bone is not active! ") ############################################################### def show_webdrop_setup(): Result = send_command("SETUP WEBDROP") if Result: List = Result.split("\n") for Line in List: Secretvalue = Line.split(":") if Secretvalue[0] == "webdropserver": Hostname.delete(0,END) Hostname.insert(0,Secretvalue[1]) if Secretvalue[0] == "webdropuser": Username.delete(0,END) Username.insert(0,Secretvalue[1]) # never show the webdropsecret CODE=send_command("SETUP REGISTRATION") RegistrationCode.delete(0,END) RegistrationCode.insert(0,CODE[:-1]) InfoPanel.configure(text="") ############################################################### def webdrop_setup(): H = Hostname.get() U = Username.get() if H : send_command("SETUP WEBDROPSERVER "+H) if U : send_command("SETUP WEBDROPUSER "+U) InfoPanel.configure( text="" ) Window.update_idletasks() check_webdrop(U,H) ############################################################### def register_webdrop_account(): CODE=send_command("SETUP REGISTRATION") RegistrationCode.delete(0,END) RegistrationCode.insert(0,CODE[:-1]) print ("Registration") askyesno("New Safe Webdrop Account Registration", "Do you really want to register a new Safe Webdrop account?\n This will destroy any Safe Webdrop account you have registered before!\n\nYou need to enter your Safe Webdrop ID and the Safe Webdrop server name in the setup above.\nIf your registration goes through you will find a different registation code below.\nYou must show the new registration code to your Safe Webdrop administrator in order to enable your new account.") if REPLY: Result = send_command("SETUP CLEARREG") show_webdrop_setup() CODE=send_command("SETUP REGISTRATION") RegistrationCode.delete(0,END) RegistrationCode.insert(0,CODE[:-1]) askyesno("New Safe Webdrop Account Registration", "Is the setup information (webdrop server and ID) korrect?") if REPLY: Result = send_command("SETUP REGISTER") CODE=send_command("SETUP REGISTRATION") RegistrationCode.delete(0,END) RegistrationCode.insert(0,CODE[:-1]) ############################################################### def terminate_GUI(): Window.destroy() ############################################################### def toggle_console(): global DEBUG, DEBUG_DISPLAY, DebugFrame DEBUG = not DEBUG DEBUG_DISPLAY = not DEBUG_DISPLAY if DEBUG: if MODE == "read" or MODE == "write" or MODE == "setup" : DebugFrame.pack(fill=X) else: DebugFrame.forget() ############################################################### def do_poweroff(): print("suspended") ### if not "ALLINONE" in send_command("GETALLINONE"): ### X = send_command("POWEROFF") ### print (X) ### check_status() ############################################################### def readuser(): USER = InputField.get() clear_error() # check if this is a valid user if USER and (USER in unix("grep \"^"+USER+":\" /etc/passwd")): RET=unix("/usr/bin/pkexec /usr/bin/activate-cryptobone " + USER) print (RET) if RET == "success": showsuccess( "SUCCESS","Your Crypto Bone can now be used.\nPlease reboot your computer to create the secrets that are missing.") unix("sleep 10") sys.exit(0) if RET == "initialised": showerror( "ERROR","This Crypto Bone is already set up.\nYour Crypto Bone Daemon is not enabled.\nTry: systemctl enable cryptoboned") unix("sleep 10") sys.exit(1) if RET == "nosuchuser": showerror( "ERROR","No such user. Please try again.") if RET == "noparameter": showerror( "ERROR","You must specify a user name.") else: showerror( "ERROR","No such user. Please try again.") ############################################################### def showinfo(Title, Text): ErrorFrame.configure(bg=INFO) ErrorLabel.configure(text=Text) ErrorLabel.configure(fg=INFOCOLOR, bg=INFO) Window.update_idletasks() ############################################################### def showsuccess(Title, Text): ErrorFrame.configure(bg=INFO) ErrorLabel.configure(text=Text) ErrorLabel.configure(fg=OKCOLOR, bg=INFO) Window.update_idletasks() ############################################################### def showerror(Title, Text): ErrorFrame.configure(bg=INFO) ErrorLabel.configure(text="ERROR: "+Text) ErrorLabel.configure(fg=ERRORCOLOR, bg=INFO) Window.update_idletasks() ############################################################### def OpenHelpUrl(): import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new("https://crypto-bone.com/help") ############################################################### def OpenHomeUrl(): import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new("https://crypto-bone.com") ############################################################### def HelpPage(): import webbrowser if MODE == "read" : webbrowser.open_new("https://crypto-bone.com/help/safewebdrop/read") elif MODE == "write" : webbrowser.open_new("https://crypto-bone.com/help/safewebdrop/write") elif MODE == "key" : webbrowser.open_new("https://crypto-bone.com/help/safewebdrop/keys") elif MODE == "setup" : webbrowser.open_new("https://crypto-bone.com/help/safewebdrop/setup") else : webbrowser.open_new("https://crypto-bone.com/help/safewebdrop") ############################################################### # Main ############################################################### if GUI: Window = Tk() Window.title("Crypto Bone Control") DebugFrame = Frame(Window, bg=DEBUGCOLOR, pady=10) ErrorFrame = Frame(Window, bg=DEBUGCOLOR, pady=10) MainFrame = Frame(Window, bg=BACKGROUND) LeftFrame = Frame(MainFrame, bg=BACKGROUND, padx=5, pady=2) HeadFrame = Frame(LeftFrame, bg=BACKGROUND, padx=0, pady=0) HeadRightFrame = Frame(HeadFrame, bg=BACKGROUND,padx=0, pady=0) StatusFrame = Frame(HeadRightFrame, bg=BACKGROUND, padx=0, pady=5) ModeFrame = Frame(HeadRightFrame, bg=BACKGROUND, padx=0, pady=5) TopFrame = Frame(LeftFrame, bg=BACKGROUND, padx=10, pady=10) TextFrame = Frame(LeftFrame, bg=BACKGROUND) ControlFrame = Frame(LeftFrame,bg=BACKGROUND, pady=5) RightFrame = Frame(MainFrame, bg=BACKGROUND, pady=2) DisplayFrame = Frame(LeftFrame, bg=BACKGROUND, pady=2) Big = tkFont.Font(family="utopia", size=16) Title = tkFont.Font(family="utopia", size=12) Info = tkFont.Font(family="arial", size=10, slant="italic") Bold = tkFont.Font(family="arial", size=11, weight="bold") BFont = tkFont.Font(family="utopia", size=12, weight="normal") TextFont = tkFont.Font(family="arial", size=11, weight="normal") MonoFont = tkFont.Font(family="monospace", size=11, weight="normal") # ERROR frame ErrorLabel = Label(ErrorFrame, text="", font=Bold, bg=BACKGROUND) ErrorLabel.pack(side=LEFT, padx=10) # DEBUG frame ConsoleLabel = Label(DebugFrame, text="Console", font=Bold, width=16, bg=DEBUGCOLOR) CleanButton = Button(master=DebugFrame, text="Clean", command=clean) InputField = Entry(master=DebugFrame, font=Bold, width=54) ExecButton = Button(master=DebugFrame, text="Send Command", command=contact) ConsoleLabel2 = Label(DebugFrame, text="", font=Bold, width=16, bg=DEBUGCOLOR) ConsoleLabel.pack(side=LEFT, pady=10) CleanButton.pack(side=LEFT) InputField.pack(padx=20,side=LEFT) ExecButton.pack(side=LEFT) ConsoleLabel2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=10) if DEBUG: DebugFrame.pack(fill=X) # DISPLAY frame DisplayLabel = Label(DisplayFrame, text="These are three keys that can be used by your contacts", width=60, height=2, font=Bold, bg=KEYCOLOR) Keyarea = Label(DisplayFrame, width=53, height=4, font=MonoFont, bg=KEYCOLOR) ClearButton = Button(master=DisplayFrame, text=" Clear ", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, width=16, command=clear_display) if DISPLAYKEYS: # skip the heading line to make space DisplayLabel.pack(pady=10) Keyarea.pack(pady=5) ClearButton.pack(pady=5) DisplayFrame.pack() # Left Frame # Status CBS_btn_img = PhotoImage(file='/usr/share/icons/default/logo-cryptobone-safewebdrop.png') CBSButton = Button(HeadFrame, image=CBS_btn_img, bg=GRAY, width=180, height=150) CBSButton.bind("",lambda c: OpenHomeUrl()) CBSButton.bind("", lambda c: CBSButton.configure(bg="#eee")) CBSButton.bind("", lambda c: CBSButton.configure(bg=BACKGROUND)) BoneLabel = Label(StatusFrame, text="CRYPTO BONE 1.6", font=Big, width=18, bg=BACKGROUND) BoneLabel.bind("",lambda e: OpenHelpUrl()) BoneLabel.bind("", lambda e: BoneLabel.configure(bg="#eee")) BoneLabel.bind("", lambda e: BoneLabel.configure(bg=BACKGROUND)) IPLabel = Label(StatusFrame, text="", width=26, height=1, font=Bold, bg="#eeffee") StatusLabel = Label(StatusFrame, text="cut off", font=Bold, width=12, height=1, bg="yellow") ID = Label(RightFrame, text="", font=Bold, width=30, height=1, bg="#eeffee") CBSButton.pack(padx=5, side=LEFT, pady=5) BoneLabel.pack(side=LEFT) IPLabel.pack(side=LEFT) StatusLabel.pack(side=LEFT) ID.pack(pady=10) # Labels Mode = Label(TopFrame, text="READ", font=Bold, bg="yellow", width=10) L1 = Label(TopFrame, text="None", font=Bold, width=56, bg=LABEL) L2 = Label(TopFrame, text="None", font=Bold, width=10, bg=LABEL) Mode.pack(side=LEFT, padx=0) L1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=0) L2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=0) Scroll = Scrollbar(TextFrame) Text = Text(TextFrame, width=75, height=25, font=TextFont, borderwidth=8, relief=FLAT, yscrollcommand = Scroll.set) Scroll.pack( side = RIGHT, fill=Y ) Text.pack() Scroll.config( command = Text.yview ) ReadButton = Button(master=ModeFrame, text="READ", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, command=set_read) WriteButton = Button(master=ModeFrame, text="WRITE", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, command=set_write) KeyButton = Button(master=ModeFrame, text="KEYS", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, command=set_key) SetupButton = Button(master=ModeFrame, text="SETUP", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, command=set_setup) Help_btn_img = PhotoImage(file='/usr/share/icons/default/question-mark.png') HelpButton = Button(master=ModeFrame, image=Help_btn_img, bg=GRAY, width=60, height=60, command=HelpPage) ReadButton.pack(padx=20, side=LEFT, pady=5) WriteButton.pack(padx=20, side=LEFT, pady=5) KeyButton.pack(padx=20, side=LEFT, pady=5) SetupButton.pack(padx=20, side=LEFT, pady=5) HelpButton.pack(padx=20, side=LEFT, pady=5) # control buttons Button1 = Button(master=ControlFrame, text="", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, width=16, command=action1) Button2 = Button(master=ControlFrame, text="", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, width=16, command=action2) Button3 = Button(master=ControlFrame, text="", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, width=16, command=action3) Button1.pack(padx=8, side=LEFT) Button2.pack(padx=8, side=LEFT) Button3.pack(padx=8, side=LEFT) # Right frame TransportLabel = Label(RightFrame, text=" Transport: SAFE WEBDROP ", font=Bold, height=1, bg=BACKGROUND) if os.path.islink("/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/cryptoboned.service"): if "ALLINONE" in send_command("GETALLINONE"): TransportLabel.pack(pady=10) # FillRight enables an empty RightFrame FillRight = Label(RightFrame, text=" ", height=1, width=32, bg=BACKGROUND) FillRight.pack(pady=14) FillRightLong = Label(RightFrame, text=" ", height=1, width=32, bg=BACKGROUND) ### Select Box SelectBox = Frame(RightFrame, bg=BACKGROUND) L = Label(SelectBox, text="", bg="yellow",font=Bold, width=30) L.pack() BoxFrame = Frame(master=SelectBox) XScroll = Scrollbar(BoxFrame, orient=HORIZONTAL) SBox = Listbox(BoxFrame, height=13, width=29, font=TextFont, borderwidth=5, relief=FLAT, xscrollcommand = XScroll.set) XScroll.config(command=SBox.xview) XScroll.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X ) SBox.pack() BoxFrame.pack() SelectButton = Button(master=SelectBox, text="Select", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, command=select) SBox.bind('', lambda e: SelectButton.invoke()) SelectButton.pack(pady=5) ### Attachment Box AttachBox = Frame(RightFrame, bg=BACKGROUND) AttachBoxFrame = Frame(master=AttachBox) LAttach = Label(AttachBoxFrame, text="Attachments", bg="yellow",font=Bold, width=30) AttachXScroll = Scrollbar(AttachBoxFrame, orient=HORIZONTAL) AttachSBox = Listbox(AttachBoxFrame, height=5, width=29, font=TextFont, borderwidth=5, relief=FLAT, xscrollcommand = XScroll.set) AttachSBox.bind('', lambda e: attachment_move()) AttachXScroll.config(command=AttachSBox.yview) AttachXScroll.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X ) LAttach.pack() AttachBoxFrame.pack(pady=40) AttachSBox.pack() ### Attachment Select Box Box2 = Frame(RightFrame, bg=BACKGROUND) FillBox2 = Label(Box2, text=" ", height=1, width=30, bg=BACKGROUND) Box2Info = Label(Box2, text="Send this file in your \nhome directory securely:", height=2, fg="black", font=Bold, width=30, bg=BACKGROUND) FillBox2.pack(pady=10) Box2Info.pack() AttachLabel = Label(Box2, text="Attachment", bg="yellow",font=Bold, width=30) AttachLabel.pack(pady=5) AttachFilename = Entry(Box2, font=Bold, width=30) AttachFilename.pack() AttachButton = Button(master=Box2, text="Add File", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, command=attach) AttachButton.pack(pady=5) SelectBox.pack() AttachBox.pack() Box2.pack(pady=30) # Key Management Key1 = Frame(LeftFrame, height=110, pady=10, bg=BACKGROUND) Key2 = Frame(LeftFrame, height=110, pady=10, bg=BACKGROUND) Key3 = Frame(LeftFrame, height=110, pady=10, bg=BACKGROUND) KL1 = Label(Key1, text="Register a New Contact", font=Title, bg="yellow", width=30) # KL2 = Label(Key2, text="Change Email Address", font=Title, bg="yellow", width=30) KL3 = Label(Key3, text="Print New Keys",font=Title, bg="yellow", width=30) # first Key frame SubKL1 = Label(Key1, text="S-Webdrop-ID % Server", font=Bold, bg="white", width=27) SubKL2 = Label(Key1, text="Initial Secret", font=Bold, bg="white", width=27) KL1Info = Label(Key1, text=" Enter an initial secret for a new contact SafeWebdrop ID that is not yet registered ", font=Info, bg=BACKGROUND) Email = Entry(Key1, font=Bold, width=40) InitKey = Entry(Key1, font=Bold, width=40) K1Button = Button(master=Key1, text="Register", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, command=register) KL1.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2) KL1Info.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=3, pady=8) SubKL1.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=3, pady=2) Email.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=3, pady=2) SubKL2.grid(row=3,column=0, padx=3, pady=2) InitKey.grid(row=3, column=1, padx=3, pady=2) K1Button.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=3, pady=15) # second Key frame # third Key frame KL3.grid(row=0, column=0) K3Button = Button(master=Key3, text="Generate new secrets", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, command=print_secrets) K3Button.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=5) # Setup frame Setup1 = Frame(LeftFrame, height=100, pady=10, bg=BACKGROUND) Setup2 = Frame(LeftFrame, height=100, pady=10, bg=BACKGROUND) SL1 = Label(Setup1, text="Setup the SAFE WEBDROP Server for Message Exchange", font=Title, bg="yellow", width=50) InfoPanel = Label(Setup2, text="" , width=60, height=8, bg=BACKGROUND, fg="red", pady=4, justify="left") SubSL1 = Label(Setup1, text="Safe Webdrop Server Name", font=Bold, bg="white", width=27) SubSL2 = Label(Setup1, text="Safe Webdrop User ID", font=Bold, bg="white", width=27) SL1Info = Label(Setup1, text=" Please enter your SAFE WEBDROP address (no spaces) and give it to your contacts ", font=Info) Hostname = Entry(Setup1, width=40, font=Bold) Username = Entry(Setup1, width=40, font=Bold) S1Button = Button(master=Setup1, text="Update SAFE WEBDROP Setup", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, command=webdrop_setup) ShowButton = Button(master=Setup1, text="Show Setup", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, command=show_webdrop_setup) REGButton = Button(master=Setup2, text="Registration", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, command=register_webdrop_account) # setup 2 SL2 = Label(Setup2, text="Registration of a new Safe Webdrop account (if you don't have one already)", font=Title, bg="yellow", width=64) SL2Info = Label(Setup2, text="In order to send safe webdrops you need a registered account on your safe webdrop server", font=Info) SubSL5 = Label(Setup2, text="Registration code", font=Bold, bg="white", width=27) RegistrationCode = Entry(Setup2, width=26, font=Bold ) SL1.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2) SL1Info.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=3, pady=8) SubSL1.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=3, pady=2) Hostname.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=3, pady=2) SubSL2.grid(row=3,column=0, padx=3, pady=2) Username.grid(row=3, column=1, padx=3, pady=2) ### The registration webdropsecret is not to be changed by the user! ### SubSL3.grid(row=4,column=0, padx=3, pady=2) ### Password.grid(row=4, column=1, padx=3, pady=2) ShowButton.grid(row=4, column=0, padx=3, pady=15) S1Button.grid(row=4, column=1, padx=3, pady=15) SL2.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2) SL2Info.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=3, pady=8) SubSL5.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=3, pady=2) RegistrationCode.grid(sticky="W",row=2, column=1, padx=3, pady=2, ipadx=10) REGButton.grid(row=3, column=1, padx=3, pady=15) InfoPanel.grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=2) QuitButton = Button(master=RightFrame, text="Exit!", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, command=terminate_GUI, width=14) ConsoleButton = Button(master=RightFrame, text="Console", bg=GRAY, font=BFont, command=toggle_console, width=14) QuitButton.pack(side=BOTTOM, pady=15) if not os.path.islink("/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/cryptoboned.service"): AdminFrame = Frame(Window) AdminFill = Label(AdminFrame, text="", height=2) AdminLabel = Label(AdminFrame, text="You want to activate your Crypto Bone?", width=60, height=1, font=Bold, bg="#eeffee") Text1 = Label(AdminFrame, text="Please input the login name of the user that\n will be using the Crypto Bone:") Text2 = Label(AdminFrame,text="This user will be listed in the sudoers file.") ExecButton = Button(master=AdminFrame, text=" Enable this user ", bg=GREEN, font=BFont, command=readuser) InputField = Entry(master=AdminFrame, width=15) AdminFill2= Label(AdminFrame, text="", height=1) AdminFill.pack() AdminLabel.pack(pady=10) Text1.pack(pady=5) Text2.pack(pady=5) InputField.pack(pady=10) ExecButton.pack() AdminFill2.pack() AdminFrame.pack() ErrorFrame.pack(fill=X) clear_error() Window.mainloop() # pack frames HeadFrame.pack() HeadRightFrame.pack() StatusFrame.pack() ModeFrame.pack() TopFrame.pack() TextFrame.pack() LeftFrame.pack(side=LEFT, padx=10, fill=Y) RightFrame.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) MainFrame.pack(fill=X) ErrorFrame.pack(fill=X) Name = "none" set_read() RESULT = unix("pidof /usr/lib/cryptobone/cryptoboned") if "x"+RESULT == "x" : # crypto bone daemon is not running showerror('Crypto Bone Daemon failed', "You need to reboot your computer because the Crypto Bone Daemon is not running.") unix("sleep 10") sys.exit(2) Text.insert("end", "Reading messages and attachments, please be patient!") Window.update_idletasks() send_command("FETCH") TRANSPORT=send_command("SETUP TRANSPORT WEBDROP") print(send_command("SETUP GETTRANSPORT")) RESULT = send_command("EXTERNAL STATUS") RESULT2 = send_command("GETALLINONE") ### if ("ALLINONE" in RESULT2) and ("is an EXTERNAL" in RESULT): ### showerror('Warning!', "This computer is running an EXTERNAL Cryptobone. Please use the GUI on your main Linux computer to access it.") Window.mainloop() ##############################################################